Kurt Eskilson Board Member

Silver Medal Award Advisor

Kurt has been a passionate wordsmith since third grade and an active member of Topeka AdFed since before you were born (most likely). His first ad industry job was continuity director for V-100 FM the day the station first switched to rock. He contributed to the long-term success of two of Topeka’s most notable former ad agencies, Patterson Advertising and jhP. Today Kurt is marketing director for McElroy’s, where he happily indulges his writing addiction daily. For fun, Kurt swims, hikes up tall mountains, slings a chainsaw around his Berryton acreage and enjoys good times with his wife, three grown kids and two granddaughters.

My closest thing to a superpower:

If your Mission Impossible team needs a swimmer, I’m your guy.

My favorite saying:

“Great copy isn’t written. It’s rewritten.” – David Ogilvy

On my bucket list:

To summit five more Colorado “14-ers” for a total of 20.

Kurt Eskilson